Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Chickens & Garden

We have been busy planting our garden and today we had sandwiches with both lettuce and cucumber freshly picked. I haven't bought lettuce for nearly 6 weeks now. Our tomato vines are full of fruit and we should be able to pick some in the next couple of weeks. This is our first effort ever and we are really proud of our efforts. We also now have 3 Isa Brown chickens (Bossy, Nosey and Ethel) and have built a run for them (reckon I could get a job fencing !!!!) Hopefully they will start laying soon and we can have fresh eggs as well. They love the vege scraps so it helps keep the rubbish down. The pictures show it at the start and then as of yesterday.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Cards

Finally got the 100 christmas cards finished in terms of stamping etc. DH had to sign all the inserts today so now I have to trim and stick them in and then they can go off in the post. The stamps are from Darkroom Door. I love their stamps - have four sets and am looking to add a few more to my collection if 'Santa' is nice enough to drop some dollars in my christmas stocking. The background is Jo Sonja's napthol crimson and pale gold paints on watercolour paper. I painted the crimson on first and then went straight over it with the pale gold while it was wet. The reindeer, sentiment and stars are all stamped with gold paint as well. Simple designs but I really like them. Hope you do too.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bright Star

You may be wondering about the name I have chosen for this blog - well it is the title of a poem by John Keats - a poet from the Romantic era as well as the title of a film about his life and death at such a tragically early age. My Extension 1 English class has just finished studying his poems and we are going to watch the movie in our last lesson for the year. I also have a soft spot for To Autumn as well.


Hello and welcome to my musings about life and art. I love to create all sorts of art work using whatever materials are handy - including stamps, paint, serviettes, book pages and ribbons, threads, material and the list is endless. I also love to create digital pictures (at present I use elements that others have created but one day i hope to design my own and use them) I will share a few as the days go by. I hope you enjoy my offerings.

These images were created using digital elements from one of my favourite online shops